That's right. Some. One. Else.
Alright, I can already see I'm moving too fast. Unless you have come to a similar realization (and I know one or two of you have) this is a brand new world. Welcome.
I didn't start out with this mentality. Like any
Nothing could be further from the truth. There are so many holes in that boat, it hit rock bottom before the line was finished. Unless you still believe that, unless you still live that. In which case, it still hit rock bottom and you didn't even know it. And you need to keep reading.
When I said I needed to date someone else, I bet you made an assumption. I bet you thought I would end it and move on to someone else. I bet you assumed I would NOT see Ms. GD again. Nothing could be further from the truth. Which would mean...(c'mon, you can do it)...I would be dating...2?...people. Yeah! See that wasn't so hard. And actually, the answer is No. Most likely at least 2, but I don't want you spinning too much right now.
Dear Reader: "But if you like her, why would you date someone else?"
(Haha, you 're adorable! do you know that?) The reason is BECAUSE I could like her is why others should be added to the mix. You see when most people find someone whose company they enjoy they welcome that person in fully. They do more and more with them. They become comfortable. Their social skills start to rust. (Skills that are needed to keep that someone happy, btw.) The two become intertwined, incorporated, and fixated.
Not at first, but within a couple months/weeks/days, depending, life starts to revolve around that someone. For both people. Identities get mixed, friends get merged, Saturday nite is assumed ("What do you want to do?" "I don't know what do YOU want to do?") and toiletries men are not very familiar with start to appear in the bathroom OUT OF NOWHERE. (yes, that was a Seinfeld reference.)
From a certain perspective, this is romantic. I can see that. But there's no need to be so completely
I love it when a woman has her own life and is willing to share a part of that with me. I love that she has girl's nite out, don't even mind if she flirts with the bartender while she's there. I love that sewing/painting/grad school is on Wed nite which means we can't have dinner then but maybe I could see her after, she'll have to let me know. I love that she has a life! I love that she has HER life. And I love being included if only sometimes. (side note: being unavailable can amp attraction. She usually knows that, too. dammit!) So if I become her life, what exactly is she sharing? And what exactly am I being asked to fulfill?
When this takes place, and it too often does, date nite becomes ONE nite. If that. Coming over becomes lounging on the couch watching bad TV and eating worse food or vice versa, whatever. That, out of habit, is something I don't like. I'm not her savior, I'm her companion. (Love the poignancy of Def #4.) This is also why I don't let her do my laundry, clean my place, rearrange the furniture, reorganize the frig, redecorate the bath, etc. I'm not her savior, she's not my maid.
If I don't want her doing that to me, why would I do that to her? Why would I RISK doing that to her? Why would I risk HER identity, MY identity, HER life, MY life for a Hollywoodland
So, that's just point #1., why don't I just watch how much time we spend together?
Good question! Maybe. Because if I like spending time with her, I'm going to want to spend A LOT OF TIME with her. If I'm spending time with her, she's "wowed" me in some way. She's shown she is very different than anyone else. I'm going to want to do everything with her. In every way. I'm going to want to eat her up!
So now we're talking Intellectual vs. Emotional. You can think about it all day, but what you feel is going to win. Your intellect will kick in to justify those feelings. Emotion wins. Above I said most people will "welcome that person in fully". Guess what? I'M LIKE MOST PEOPLE! I'm not a unique snowflake, I'm a man. A guy. And any guy who digs a girl is going to want to be with that girl. And he will run through a brick wall to do it!
So now, I have an issue. I can either change my thinking or change my emotions. How well do you think that will work? You haven't completely disagreed with my points so far, have you? See what I mean.
Hmm, if only there was a third option. One that would equal my now one-sided focus. You see it now? Yep. Date another someone. And let me stop right here and make another MAJOR POINT: THE SECOND GIRL IS NOT "SECOND" IN ANY WAY.
I may have met her after, but that isn't to say she is any less beautiful, talented, inspiring or that my emotional reaction is any less than a genuine "Wow!" If she hasn't "wowed" me in some way, I'm not spending time with her. If there is a harsh approach here, it's THIS! I'm not going to spend time with someone in a romantic way if she has not turned my head and peaked my interest. I'd hope in this I'm not unlike every single person in the world. (though, unfortunately, I know that's not true.)
So now, we simply adhere to an old adage, the one with all the eggs in the basket. And even though I'm writing this from a male perspective, I think flipping the script and having a woman do this is an equally good idea. Keep that in mind. Having options allows for greater freedom and a greater appreciation of those options.
This is beneficial for a lot of ways. I now am NOT completely focused on one person, I can't be. I'm not always wondering what she's doing, what she wore today, how wonderful her perfume smells on the shoulder of my sweater (ok, maybe that one) I can't be so singularly focused. If I am, what happens? But I, literally, can NOT be. I have two people who I adore. I'm wondering about them both, which means I'm not fixated on EITHER.
And there is nothing like a boy-girl relationship to show you what you are lacking. If you care about yourself and use this as an opportunity to improve, you will have more than enough to work on. Social skills will be finely honed. Ability to keep and hold a connection will be of huge importance. And focusing on the power of now will be nothing less than life altering.
DR: "Oh, you sum-bitch, 2-timing, lying, good-for-nothin'..." Hold on, there Missy.
You just made another assumption. And maybe you shouldn't have. That assumption was...that I'm lying...that I'm cheating. That one girl doesn't know about the other. That isn't, or shouldn't, be the case. And I NEVER, EVER advocate lying, cheating, sleeping with someone if the other person you are seeing does NOT know that is a possibility!
Obviously, any boy OR GIRL will be careful in the DETAILS they divulge if there is sexual contact. That's what blogging's for! (I soo hope you know that's what the kids call "a joke".) No, even that intimate act shouldn't be withheld. If you're mature enough to handle it, you should be mature enough to share. And mature enough to be "protected" for everyone's sake.
OK, inventory check, what do we have? An amazing girl I really like. And a different and equally amazing girl I really like. Both of whom know this and both of whom know I am social and am dating. That's it.
If something changes in the equation, everything changes. If the relationship progresses and needs to go deeper, then a decision has to be made. But nothing in life is set forever. Nothing but change is permanent.
Remember the original issue: I know a girl I could like and I don't want to ruin that by becoming less social, less flexible, less open. I'd like for us to have fun. I'd like to keep that fun light-hearted. I'd like to keep that time as something we look forward to, not something that is a given. Not something that has no tension, pull or passion. I want Gravity. And I also want to fly.
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